Visual Gathering

Woven leaves

Pennywort leaves

Winged bean

Betel leaf

Cosmos plant

Casscava leaves

Field Research

Fact Finding

A traditional medical is one of the pre-scientific medical for several race. This traditional medical is slightly different with the medical used nowadays. Aborigine people usually used traditional medicine to cure their diseases. This is because they are really comfortable with the medicine that contains no alcohol or any others poison like today's medicine.

This traditional medical separated into several groups :
-Herbal plant to cure diseases


When i went to the first village that is kampung Air Banun, one of the aborigine people from Jahai tribe said that they still use the traditional medicine to cure the diseases. But most of the aborigine people now used modern way to cure their diseases. When I asked them about what they will use if they got fever or other diseases, they said that they only ate the panadol and go to the hospital if there are severe diseases.

Then i went at the second village in the afternoon. I have interviewed one of the Jahai tribe there. He is one of the experienced about the traditional medicine used. Traditional medicine used mostly from the plant. For examples:

-pucuk ubi : used when your got pain at your leg.

-daun peniau : used for fever - You need to boil the peniau stem first, then you have to shower with the boiled peniau stem water.

-magic spell : If their leg's got bit by the snake, they will call the GURU to make the magic spell to heal the foot.


So, from my observation, the Jahai tribe or the aborigine people still used the traditional medicine in their culture. But most of them will just go to the hospital or the clinic nearby to get medicine. They have to ride boat to the jetty and get other transport to go to the clinic nearby for about 30km. But if they only have fever,flu or cough they will just take the panadol as one of the Jahai tribe said.

Gantt Chart & Navigation & Mind map
