Background Research

Belum's Indigenous Peoples

The Jahai and Temiar are the two main orang asli groups of Belum Temengor rainforests in Perak.There are 18 tribes of orang asli in Peninsular Malaysia, and those at Belum consist of two main groups, the Senoi and the Negrito. The Jahai is the main sub-ethnic group among the Negrito, whilst the Temiar forms the main group for the Senoi.

Semi-nomadic Jahai

The Jahai are generally shorter, with darker skin and more curly hair than the Temiars. And the Jahai lead a semi nomadic life whereas the Temiar prefer a sedentary life. Some are employed as guides and porters. Today they enjoy medical and educational facilities and have police protection. They are less mobile than in the past due to the gradual change from shifting cultivation to semi-sedentary agricultural cultivation.

Both live at the edge of the Temengor lake. Their staple food is tapioca which they cultivate around their villages, and they collect fruits from the forest and hunt small mammals and fish. They harvest rattan and bamboo which has a multitude of uses.

Sedentary Temiars

H.D.Noone, who was the first anthropologist to study the Temiars, called them the 'happy people'. They are very shy and gentle, living in an extended family social structure. They used to live in longhouses but today most have individual houses made of split bamboo.

They work on plantations or ladang where they grow tapioca, and maybe maize and even hill rice. They used to grow their own fruit and vegetables, tobacco and medicinal herbs, but now buy these products. There is one headman in each village or community; this is a heredity post. They are traditionally animists.

Dreams play an important role in the daily lives of these indigenous people. To them a dream is a mystical experience in which the person's soul wanders about the forests in search of guidance. Even their dances and songs are dream inspired. There are no hard and fast rules in Temiar society. As long as man does not harm or endanger others, he may do as he pleases.

Data gathering method :

Primary Data :

-Interview with the Jahai tribe

-Snap the pictures of their cultures and lifestyle

Secondary Data :

-Researches from the internet

-Researches from the library books

references :

Design Issues and Treatment

Title : Orang asli settlement
Location : Belum Rainforest,Pulau Banding
Tribe : Jahai and Temiar

Objectives :

To design and develop an interactive information design application.We are going to create an interactive application that contains all the information about the orang asli lifestyle,culture,food,language,studies and the religion. By using this interactive application, the user can understand more about the orang asli by a single click,they don't have to read the book that might be boring.

This interactive application will include the interesting pictures about the Jahai and Temiar tribe with the information about their tribe as mentioned above. Besides, through this application, we can interact more people to read about the orang asli and more concern about them.

Treatment :

This is an interactive application that will help the user to know more about the orang asli especially the temiar and jahai tribe.This application is like an interactive website that contain the images and all the information about the orang asli.

Screen size :
1024 x 768 pixels or full screen format.

Color :
Green with brown color for the background

Content :
-More pictures with short description of every pictures.
-No long elaboration will be used as it will make the application boring.
-Will include the history of Temiar/Jahai history,languages,cultures,religions,and the development.

Gallery :
-Pictures of the orang asli -Jahai or Temiar tribe.
-The user can click at the thumbnail to enlarge the picture so that it will more clear.

Proposal and Concept

Topic : Orang Asli Settlement
Location : Belum Rainforest,Pulau Banding
Tribe : Jahai and Temiar
Target audience : people between the ages of 14 to 25 and above because they already heard about the aborigine people compared to children.

Our class will having a trip to Belum rainforest on 23th of July till 25th of July to discover more about orang asli (aborigine).We will discover more about tribe Jahai and Temiar. According to the trip's plan, we will be seperated into 2 groups which one group will discover about tribe Jahai and another group will discover about tribe Temiar on Saturday,24th July.We can choose what we want to explore about the orang asli.

Before we are going for the trip, we need to do some research so that we know what to do when we reached there and focus on the subtopic that we want to discover.I have never been there before,and I hope that my first trip there will bring me a lot of experiences and knowledge to help me a lot during my assignment.

Research :

Some of the researches i have done, i found that orang asli was the tribe that there are semi-nomadic Jahai and sedentary Temiars at belum rainforest.I was very interested to explore more about the culture of the orang asli Jahai and Temiars.These tribes Jahai and tribes Temiars have two different personalities.

Tribes Jahai :
-generally shorter
-dark skin
-more curly hair than Temiars

Tribes Temiars :
-one of the first anthropologist that study about tribes Temiars called them "happy people".
-shy and gentle
-living in an extended family social structures.

references : taken from (

Things to discover when we are going to the trip:

Why we need to have a trip to Belum Rainforest?So that we can understand more about orang asli and experience ourselves more about them.It can help a lot because we are going to create an interactive application about this orang asli settlement.

Menu pages draft :
-About including the ( Tribe, Location,Village,Traditional medicine )
-Gallery ( Images taken during the trip )
-Future ( hopes )

Precedence Studies

Images that taken from the internet :

Belum Temenggur rainforest

Lake and the forest

Fruiting plants

touring on the speedboat

Orang asli kids

orang asli hut

Boathouse in the park -tourism

blooming rafflesia